Simple, fast & secure

Secured and Decentralized

We got you covered
You can buy crypto to trade with almost every card.
Optimize your cashflow
Loaded with features.
Free, forever.
Lightning fast transactions
Spend your money where you want when you want without the worry of long waits.
Low fees with fast confirmations
No need to worry about high fees, we accept low fees and have fast confirmations.
Contact us to learn more about what can be your service in the near future.
© Dime LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Dime Cryptocurrency trading service is currently only available in the United States.
For questions or customer support, email us at
Dime Exchange is a limited liability company (LLC), registered as a money services business (MSB) with the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), registration number 31000249413002. Dime Exchange LLC's office address is 5900 Balcones Drive Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731.
Dime Exchange will automatically convert all cryptocurrency to US Dollars for use in purchases.
A deposit fee applies on deposits.
All imagery is for illustrative purposes only.